那怕是,寒冬,深夜,路邊的小黄花, 也燦爛綻放。

Peadiatric Physiotherapist can help... 兒科物理治療師可以幫助...

 Peadiatric Physiotherapist can help Babies or children with:
  1. Delay gross and fine motor development (e.g. dislike being placed on his/her tummy at 5 months old and does not appear to push up with arms; never crawl but shuffles on his/her bottom or cannot use the thumb and index finger to grip at 12 months.)
  2. over-responsiveness (irritable, restless, irregular sleeping pattern)
  3. under-responsiveness (does not react, sleeping too much)
  4. Hypotonia or low muscle tone (poor head control, floppiness in his trunk or limbs, slump back, W-sitting, poor walking endurance)
  5. Hypertonia or high muscle tone (e.g. stiffness in the legs, typically noticed during nappy changing, or your child may like to be held up in standing just too much)
  6. Prematurity
  7. Downs Syndrome
  8. Cerebral Palsy
  9. Hydrocephalus
  10. Brain injures
  11. Spinal Bifida
  12. Developmental Coordination Disorder (clumsiness and coordination problem with examples of messy eating, poor ball skills, poor balance, awkward running pattern, difficult in learning new skills)
  13. Specific Learning Disability
  14. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder / Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD)
  15. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  16. Sensory Integration Disorder
  17. Torticollis (favour of Turning head to one side; irregular head shape-plagiocephaly)
  18. Erb's Palsy
  19. Inturning feet (Talipes Equinovarus) or out-turning feet (Talipes Calcano Valgus)
  20. in-toeing or out-toeing walking pattern
  21. Flat Feet
"Physio check"
Frequently a (sensory motor developmental assessment) for your baby or child may simply help to put your mind at rest. . Even minor ailments can become habitual and eventually difficult to change. It is never too early to seek help, advice and, if necessary, physiotherapy treatment. Generally the earlier therapy starts the better!
  1. 大小肌肉發展遲緩(例如5個月大的小孩子很抗拒伏着,且未能以手睜伸直支撑上身;或孩子12個月大仍不懂爬或未能以手指公及食指捏東西)
  2. 感覺反應過敏 (煩躁、焦躁不安、衝動、易分心、不定時睡眠等)
  3. 感覺反應遲緩 (非常安靜及愛睡的嬰兒、不怕痛、愛發白日夢等)
  4. 肌肉張力過低 (頸無力、軀幹或手腳鬆軟的、寒背、「W」型坐姿、行路時易倦)
  5. 肌肉張力過高 (雙腳僵直、尤其在嬰兒換片時及在抱直的時侯, 喜歡用腳尖走路及蹲下時腳跟不能踮地)
  6. 早產兒
  7. 唐氏綜合症
  8. 大腦痳痺
  9. 腦積水
  10. 大腦創傷
  11. 脊柱裂
  12. 發展協調障礙 (「論盡」、手腳眼協調差、經常跌到、較難掌握踏單車、跳繩接波等動作,食飯骯髒的、寫字慢、讀書時有跳字或跳行的情況) (DCD)
  13. 特殊學習障礙
  14. 過度活躍/專注力不足 (ADHD/ADD)
  15. 自閉症 (ASD)
  16. 感覺統合障礙
  17. 鈄頸 (頭經常轉向或側向一邊、扁頭、大細臉)
  18. 臂神經叢麻痹(Erb's Palsy)
  19. 足內翻 / 足外翻
  20. 內八字/ 外八字走路
  21. 扁平足/拇趾外翻

