那怕是,寒冬,深夜,路邊的小黄花, 也燦爛綻放。

How can Paediatric Physiotherpist help your kids? 兒科物理治療師可以怎樣幫助你的孩子?

Paediatric physiotherapy is holistic in nature to treat the whole child in order to facilitate the child’s physical and mental growth, general health and well-being, but not just the body in isolation. A paediatric physiotherapist helps to maximize a child’s sensory and motor function; to stimulate optimal physical development and physical fitness; to facilitate independent self care and daily living; to encourage participation in physical activities, so as to enhance better self-image, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Physiotherapy assessment and training are based on up-to-dated evidence with well-known theoretical framework such as, Neuro-sensory-motor-developmenntal Approach (Yvonne Burns 1979, Pauline Watter, 1987) Sensory-Integration (Jean Aryes, 1972) and Neurodevelopmental Therapy (Bobath, 1964). Treatment involves facilitation of gross and fine motor development, enhancement of sensory-motor integration, postural and movement control, strengthening, balance, physical fitness training, massage, mobilization, stretching, strapping; and  prescription of orthosis, orthotics and special needs equipments, etc. Whatever techniques are used in therapy, enthusiastic parental involvement at home is essential for optimal long term results.
兒科物理治療的評估及訓練是以神經感覺運動發展(Yvonne Burns 1979, Pauline Watter, 1987) 感覺綜合(Jean Aryes, 1972) 及神經發展療法(Bobath, 1964)為基礎,配以最新的科學證據來制定治療方案。治療方式包括誘發大小肌肉發展、促進感覺及運動的發展與綜合、姿勢及動作控制訓練肌肉強化運動平衝訓練體適能訓練、按摩伸展及關節活動、膠布固定、鞋墊度做、安排或轉介矯形器或特殊用具等。而要達到最理想的效果,家長的参予以及家居運動的配合是必須的。

