那怕是,寒冬,深夜,路邊的小黄花, 也燦爛綻放。

愛可改變一切,Love can change everything




感受到的是她們的 - 



連結(attunement): 感受到孩子的需要、放下成見、判斷,了解到他的行為。


智慧:怎樣分輕重、怎樣分配時間、怎樣取捨、怎樣選合適治療與學校、怎樣調教合適期望?放下頭腦,與身體連結,相信身體的大智慧!Trust your heart and gut feelings. 



“When we are presence for ourselves, we have mindful awareness. 

When we are present for our children, we create secure attachment.

Both secure attachment and mindfulness promote well-being - physically and mentally”

Daniel Siegel


每位孩子來到世上都是獨特的, 都有它的使命, 無論她/他的外表肢體如何, /他的靈魂都是完美的!
能夠成為孩子的父母, 或許我們的使命, 就是幫助孩子找到真正的自己!
Finding WHO you really are, Finding your AUTHENTIC self!
Maslow law of hierarchy of needs ~ 馬斯洛的需求理論層次 ~ 裡面, 實現自我是最高階的呢 !!撫心自問, 作為父母的我們, 我們又在哪一個層次呢?
當我們以為我們在給予孩子所有最好的事物的時候, 有沒有想過她/他真正的需要是什麼? 當我們以為要在三歲或六歲之前必須給予孩子密集式早期訓練..早期訓練...早期訓練的時候....
有沒有想過他最想要的是什麼? 他最需要的是什麼?
我想要休息, 我想要睡覺, 我真的很累, 我不知你們在做什麼, 我很肚餓, 我十分討厭你們不尊重我, 逼我, 我體能真的是好差, 要我做五分鐘運動我已經十分疲累, 體力透支!! 我做五分鐘運動, 就好似你們跑了50公里馬拉松一樣, 我身體的狀況你理解嗎?
我被強迫做運動, 很痛苦, 我不理解為什麼我要受苦, 我十分害怕, 我現在很危險, 我歇斯底里地大聲嚎哭, 我身體也僵硬了, 我在練習不正確的反射動作, 而不是正常正確的自主動作訓練, 我要媽媽抱, 為何媽媽不理我, 她眼睛也沒看我一眼, 她坐得遠遠的, 一動不動的, 她不愛我! 這個世界是不安全的! 我對人失去信心! 我變得害羞, 我變得怕事, 我封閉自己, 我不想與人溝通。
安全需求沒有被滿足, 這世界是充滿危險的!
相反地, 若果父母有尊重孩子的生理需要和安全需要, 孩子才可以發展他的社交需要, 向自尊需要和找到自己、自我實現又邁進一大步了!!
在這段疫情的時間, 來了一個兩歲多的孩子, 腦部有發展異常的情況, 剛剛學走路, 信心不足, 見到新認識的人有驚恐反應, 他表現的是Freeze僵硬的狀態, 是動物發現自己不能逃走不能打敗敵人便唯有假死的狀態,人類通常freeze的狀態就是僵僵硬硬的, 眼睛嚇到驚恐定格的樣子, 他雖然之前也做了不同的運動訓練, 但是他的自主控制自我放鬆能力不是太好, 用了很多反射動作來幫助自己站立, 那平衡當然不好哦!
經過數堂的訓練, 聆聽孩子的需要, 尊重孩子的感覺, 與他建立關係, 讓他的生理需求並滿足, 亦讓他知道這裡是安全的! 幾堂之間, 走路放鬆多了, 平衡好了, 自信心多了, 有勇氣去嘗試走出自己的安全地帶, 帶著好奇去探索四周, 跟主動與其他人包括我建立關係!
家長們, 你希望你的孩子能主動去探索, 對世界充滿信心希望, 與人有連結嗎?

奇蹟的突破 Breakthrough

奇蹟的突破為真人真事改篇的電影。 2015年一月,跌落冰湖遇溺15分鐘的青少年John,經45分鐘搶救仍無生命跡象, 養母趕到醫院,大聲呼求聖靈幫助 "Holy Spirit, please come and give me back my son!",當刻John回復心跳,醫生也驚訝詫異,但主診醫生判斷他應過不了當晚 ,就算過得到,也會有嚴重的 腦部神經損。 當大部分人都失去信心, 唯獨是倔強堅持的媽媽, 相信他兒子是一個戰士, 他會為自己的生命而作戰,同時媽媽願意放下自己的執迷與控制慾, 她降服於主,願祂帶領一切。整個小鎮為John禱告, 三個星期後,John完全康復出院。

John神蹟地生存且完全康復, 是因為媽媽對他的愛,整個小鎮的人對他的愛,神對他的愛。 "Love is the most powerul force in the world" 。但同時間卻讓很多人對生命有所反思,為何是John?神在John身上要彰顯什麼目的?為何不是我身邊所愛的人?

You have purpose, you are loved!


協助物理治療學會兒科專研組於TVB News(2018/7)的訪問,希望讓大眾多認識物理治療怎樣幫助有平衡、協調和姿勢問題的小孩子。

為真人真事改編, 不只是一部愛情片, 更加讓人對生命更加尊重和有所反思。

四肢癱瘓 ,甚至不能自己呼吸的Robin, 不單努力生存,更精彩地活出生命,照亮他人。

電影中,牧師出現了兩次都是說,上帝會將苦難帶給他最喜愛的人。人遇到苦難,難免會經歷失望、痛苦 、挫敗、 憎恨、埋怨、絕望... 所以當主角第一次聽到那牧師的說話是絕對不能接受,但之後再有一位牧師說相同的說話的時候- 是啊!神的安排總有祂的美意!

Robin因為妻子的愛,由本應只有幾個月的壽命至精彩地活了三十多年, 更改寫了患有嚴重殘障的人只可被囚醫院的命運。


Newly designed astronaut suit with ideas like therasuit, help to strengthen the muscles!

The idea of skin-tight suit is from Penguin suit. Therauit's idea is also from there.

"Like the Pingvin suits, Dr Green hopes the new skin suit may have therapeutic uses on Earth.
Modified Pingvin suits have been used to help support and maintain the posture and limbs of people with movement problems, including children with cerebral palsy.
The researchers say the suit may one day benefit people who are bedbound."

Skin-tight space suits 'support astronauts' bones'

17 March 2014 Last updated at 02:18

Scientists have developed a skin-tight spacesuit to try to stop astronauts' spines expanding.

They hope the lightweight elastic material will mimic the force of gravity on the body.

Astronauts' spines can lengthen by up to 7cm (3in) with no gravity to compress the bones, painfully pulling on muscles and nerves.

Using designs by MIT, scientists at King's College London are refining the tailor-made suits for testing in space.

As astronauts' bones and muscles do less work to keep them upright once they experience weightlessness, they can also start to waste away.

All these factors can make them more likely to experience long-term back and other health problems on return to Earth.

The researchers say these issues are likely to pose an even greater challenge on extended missions such as proposed journeys to Mars.

Dr David Green, senior lecturer of human and aerospace physiology at King's College London, who is working on the suit, told the BBC: "When man takes the first small step on Mars, there is a strong possibility the space traveller could end up with a broken hip."

Italian and American tailors worked with the international team of scientists to make skin suits composed of multiple layers of elastic material.

The material is woven in two directions, in a way that gradually produces more tension, squeezing the body from shoulder to feet.

European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogensen will be the first to wear the suit in space during his mission in 2015.

Penguin suit
And Dr Green says if it is given it the nod of approval on that mission, UK astronaut Tim Peake could wear the suit on his mission to the international space station later that year.

Making skin suits to help astronauts counteract microgravity is not new - Russian scientists came up with the Pingvin or penguin suit in 1991.

But scientists have been attempting to make new suits to better mimic gravity and that are more comfortable to wear.

Like the Pingvin suits, Dr Green hopes the new skin suit may have therapeutic uses on Earth.

Modified Pingvin suits have been used to help support and maintain the posture and limbs of people with movement problems, including children with cerebral palsy.

The researchers say the suit may one day benefit people who are bedbound.

Dr Jerry Nolan, intensive care specialist at Royal United Hospital Bath, who was not involved in the research, said: "Studies have shown that critically ill patients can lose up to 15% of their muscle mass by the end of their first week in intensive care. Anything that helps to reduce this may have a positive impact on this group of patients.

"There would be a number of things that would need to be ironed out. The obvious potential problem is getting access to the patient for nursing care."

TheraSuit Method /TheraSuit密集運動訓練法

As a physiotherapist working with kids for years, I always strive to learn more in order to serve our kids better. Especially in this bustling and well developed city, our kids deserve an opportunity to receive the advanced treatemnts. Therefore, I went to Michican, USA to learn about the therasuit method, which has been widely used in 400 clinics worldwide with 120,000 patients has recieved the training. And I've become the 1 out of 3000 certified therapists. With the help the angels around, our centre has become the 1st centre in Hong Kong to provide the comprehensive therasuit method intensive training. We all know that, in order for the kids to improve (same principle for pianist and athlete), they have to recieve SPECIFIC training with enough FREQUENCY, INTENSITY and DURATION......These are the priciples for Therasuit training!