那怕是,寒冬,深夜,路邊的小黄花, 也燦爛綻放。

Important factors for your children to grow healthy 孩子健康成長的重要元素

Sensory and motor developments are the underlying foundation for all future progress. Babies learn through interaction with their environment. In order to do so, an infant must have the abilities to sense, to feel, and to move freely and purposefully. Sensory and motor development affect the child’s ability to explore the surroundings, to turn his/her head in order to follow a moving object with the eyes, to reach and to grasp toys, to crawl, walk, run, climb and jump, etc.. These physical, interactive activities foster understanding and mastery of the environment, stimulating cognitive, language and social development.

孩子感覺與運動的發展直接影響孩子探索環境的能力,對未來成長亦有着密切的關係。因為孩子是透過與環境的互動來認識世界的,而要做到這點,孩子就必須要俱備良好感覺、感知與活動的能力。例如孩子看見顏色鮮豔的玩具車(視覺) 或聽到車子的聲音() ,令他知道車的存在,車走動時他需視車的同(眼動控制),頭亦會跟隨轉動(頸部肌力),他伸手去抓玩具車時亦需要良好的關節感覺、觸覺和視覺空間感來控制手眼協調,他亦需要有一定的肌力、軀幹控制、關節固定力、耐力以維持不同的姿勢控制,而要在不同姿勢下也能保持平衡亦需依靠良好的視覺、前庭覺、關節感覺及觸覺。每天孩子便是靠着感覺、運動與環境的互動來認識世界,從而刺激認知、語言及社交的發展。

